Monday, August 19, 2013

The benefits of study group

Since young, I have always enjoy teaching, I am often seen as a student who are willingly and enthusiastically to teach and share with other classmates of mine about school lesson that we learned and the exercises that we did. The teaching and sharing session is what we commonly called it as study group.

Study group has always been my favourite past time, the activities which I enjoy the most with friends besides hanging out together and chit-chatting in the mamak. The study group activity becomes more frequent during the time when I was in Matriculation and University. It has become so embedded in my university life that I view it as part and parcel of a preparation towards facing various exams.

The only study group which will prove to be effective is when you achieve the target or objective that you set at the end of the study group. This could only happen when your study group members are serious and have a strong desire to learn and study. It will only end up in a chit chatting session if one or more group members are not serious and joking around in the study group.

Of course, I am very glad to have found my own gang of members who are serious enough in study group, that we admit that we sometimes ( not all the time) did joke and tease, but ultimately, we managed to achieve the target that we set before the study group. Talking about it really make me miss the moment so much.

To those who think that going to tuition is a necessity to survive in the paper chase environment, you may consider study group as a viable option to excel in study without having to pay extra fees for tuition. I firnly believe that if you are serious enough to study, no matter what circumstances, study group will greatly help you in achieving the result that you want!

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