Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well, this is just yet another college project that i have joined since the first semester.An guess what? It just coming to an end at 23th Jan 2010( friday)..=)
I was really happy with the performances that i together with my member of my Biro( Technical and Multimedia ) have been worked hard on. I guess our efforts are paid off seeing the concert that was held at KPS going pretty well.
We Care4All held a Awareness Campaign ( Kempen Kesedaran Dan Hari Peringatan Mahasiswa-Mahasiswa Istimewa) for the the following location: 19th Jan at 4th college Dewan Santapan, 20th Jan( wed) at KPS( Charity Concert which cost a ticket of RM2).
And, the last friday was a dinner of closing ceremony with our master, Persatuan kebajikan Masyarakat, Persatuan Autism, Persatuan Orang Buta and Persatuan Orang Pekak.
I have learnt quite many skills of being deal with them. And frankly say ,i am just enjoy this project as i can deal with the Permium of 7th college, the disable that need most of our help in getting through all their hardships and inconveniences.
We are lacking of reader to help those who partially blind or blind to help them to read jurnal, book, editing their assignments for you who are interested, u may go to seksyen couselling UM for registering. Helping the disable to ease their burden is a good policy.=)

The booth set up by Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.Slide show presentation by speaker of jabatan kebajikan masyarakat.

Left: While at Rumah University during the closing ceremony
Right: With thean Hong and his roomate Yuo Tatt.

Below: Photo during the closing ceremony at Rumah University.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Akademi Merdeka

Akademi Merdeka, 5 – 7 Februari 2010

Salam sejahtera,

Anda dijemput untuk memohon menghadiri Akademi Merdeka yang akan diadakan pada 5 – 7 Februari 2010 (Jumaat – Ahad) bertemakan "Perlembagaan dan Semangat Perlembagaan: Memahami konsep kedaulatan undang-undang".

Akademi Merdeka kali ini akan dipimpin oleh Professor Abdul Aziz Bari, Felo Kanan Institute for Democracy & Economic Affairs (IDEAS) yang merupakan pakar undang-undang daripada Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, berdasarkan modul yang beliau hasilkan khas untuk Akademi ini. Para peserta juga akan berpeluang berinteraksi dengan wakil-wakil pelbagai parti politik kerajaan dan pembangkang.

Lokasi Akademi Merdeka kali ini ialah di Institut Latihan Kehakiman dan Perundangan (ILKAP), Bangi, Selangor.

Akademi Merdeka ialah satu kursus pendek yang membincangkan dengan mendalam prinsip-prinsip penting untuk negara, seperti kedaulatan undang-undang, kerajaan terhad, pasaran bebas dan kemerdekaan individu. Program dikendalikan oleh tokoh-tokoh tersohor dari dalam dan luar negara dan biasanya berlangsung daripada hari Jumaat sehingga Ahad. Semua peserta dimestikan menginap di tempat program. Para peserta juga dibekalkan dengan buku, kertas kerja serta lain-lain bahan rujukan.

Topik-topik yang akan dibincangkan secara kritikal termasuklah:

  • Demokrasi, keperlembagaan, dan perlembagaan
  • Pengasingan kuasa berdasarkan Perlembagaan Malaysia
  • Hak asasi manusia dan perlembagaan
  • Kedudukan istimewa Islam dan Melayu
  • Federalisme dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia
  • Mendepani cabaran keperlembagaan

Akademi Merdeka merupakan satu program unik yang akan mencabar minda dan membina daya intelektual golongan mahasiswa dan professional muda. Biasanya sekitar 30-40 orang peserta akan dipilih untuk menyertai akademi intensif ini. menawarkan biasiswa untuk membolehkan seramai mungkin peserta menyertai Akademi Merdeka. Semua yang berminat digalakkan memohon biasiswa yang kami tawarkan untuk membiayai sebahagian atau keseluruhan yuran penyertaan dan kos penginapan. Tetapi kos pengangkutan mungkin akan dibiayai dalam kes-kes tertentu sahaja.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila lawati »

Terima kasih


I have sent my registration form and am now waiting for the result. Hope that I can successfully participate this inspiring camp with a grant on its scholarships as well.=)

Friday, January 15, 2010

I want to be young! =)

I like this articles about ways to stay young.


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them'

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

The New year 2010 would be my target year to achieve these rules to lead a younger me.=)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The secrets to happiness

I personally find this secrets very useful, it is not any secret recipes that you guys have always indulged in, or any secrets traditional cuisines. It is a way to eternal happiness. we live in the world and should be full of happiness as well as peace!


Live beneath your means and within your seams.

Return everything you borrow.

Donate blood.

Stop blaming other people.

Admit it when you make a mistake.

Give all the clothes you haven't worn in the last three years to charity.

Every day do something nice and try not to get caught.

Listen more; talk less.

Every day take a 30-minute walk in your neighborhood.

Skip two meals a week and give the money to the homeless.

Strive for excellence, not perfection.

Be on time.

Don't make excuses.

Don't argue.

Get organized.

Be kind to kind people.

Be even kinder to unkind people.

Let someone cut ahead of you in line.

Take time to be alone.

Reread a favorite book.

Cultivate good manners.

Be humble.

Understand and accept that life isn't always fair.

Know when to say something.

Know when to keep your mouth shut.

Don't criticize anyone for 24 hours.

Learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the present.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

It is like a story of a candle.
The ambiance was so soft, one could almost hear them talking...

The first candle said: "I'm PEACE! The world is full of anger and fighting, no one can keep me lit."
And the flame of Peace went out completely...

Then the second candle said: "I'm FAITH! I'm not longer indispensable. It doesn't make sense that I stay lit another moment."
And a breeze softly blew out Faith's flame...

Sadly the third candle began to speak: "I'm LOVE! People don't understand my importance. They completely put me aside. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them. I haven't the strength to stay lit."
And waiting no longer, Love's flame went out...

Suddenly, a child enterd the room and saw the three unlit candles.
"Why aren't you burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end and saying this, he began to cry...

Then the fourth candle answered: "Don't be afraid, I'm HOPE! While I'm still burning, we can re-light the other candles!"
With shining eyes the child took the candle of Hope and did just that...

The flame of Hope should never go out from your life and with HOPE each of us can live a life with PEACE, FAITH and LOVE!

We should strive for happiness – but we also need to WORK ON IT.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Special Highlight for the week

Special Highlight for the week,

4th Jan 2009…

During the night time, I went for a briefing about the activities Ma Sheng . We are going to run a educational camp/ exhibition at Mentakab, school of SMJK Hua Lian around February. Looking forward for joining it. And this would be my first time of being a treasurer and of joining this education exhibition/camp . Would also be my first time to pay a visit to Mentakab ,Pahang too. Lolz..

7th Jan 2009

Outing with coursemates, Elaine, Adam, Wan Hwa and Xue Yan. As we don’t have class for the whole morning except a TITAS class on the evening, so we plan to go to Midvalley to have our lunch there.=)We had a quite expensive lunch over there, at the Restaurant(don’t really remember the name). I have spent a sum of RM21 for just a plate of La Mian, and a cup of Lo Han Ko. But overally, we have enjoyed ourselves pretty much.this is a first time outing with my coursemate too.=p

Inspiring Book-

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the famous book , the New Yorks Timers Bestselling Authors, entitled ‘ why we want you to be rich?’ The authors are very well known for their own unique attitudes that account for their own success today.

But the question is why they both want to write this book together, the answer is s

imple, they share the same CONCERN.Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosakinever should have met , much less written a book together. Donald Trump is from New York(The financial capital of the world),hailing from wealthy family who started making money at young age now a so called ‘Billionaire’.

Robert Kiyosaki is from Hawaii( vacation capital of the world), he is from a middle class family and become a millionaire later in his life.

Both of them are successfully entrepreneurs and investors.Donald Trump has his megahit newtwork television show –The Apprentice and Robert Kiyosaki has his television show ‘Rich dad Guide to wealth. On PBS, the highly acclaimed educational public television network.

They are both financially free and do not need to work anymore, they choose to continue work harder than ever.but just because they share the same concern, they are being brought together to teach people to have a rich financial intelligence/IQ. They want people to work and invest to win, and be an active investor.

I personally like this quote: ‘Give a man a fish could have feed him for one day, but teach a man how to fish could have feed him for the lifetime.’ That is the reason why both gentlemen come together, share their pwn concerns and precious advices to teach people of different backgrounds, be it poor, middle class or rich to be financially independent and financially well equipped.

Frankly, this book is not all about teaching you where to invest,like Forex trading, Real Estate, stock market,insurance,property etc..but it is concerning money, financial education and the effects to the lack of financial education and money management.

Donald Trump own a big company known as the Trump Tower, for those of u guys who have watched ‘The Apprentice’ before, you would probably familiar with the gilded entrance to Trump tower on New York city famous 5th Avenue.

Through watching ‘The apprentice’, I learn somethings new: real life doesn’t give a lots of room for sympathy and excuses. Life is not a dress rehearsal , it is the real thing.

While reading this book, I really loves to quotes some of the famous saying of these tow well known figures.

Donald said ‘In just a few years, millions of baby boomers will retire, the gov will have to admit it is out of money , the price of oil is going through the roof , our dollar is dropping in value,inflation is out of control and we are still at war in the middle East.We need to teach people to be rich, or at least how to survive the next few years today, not tomorrow.’

Like what Robert Kiyosaki has mentioned in the book, he has spotlighted some very real problems that face all of us today:

1. A Growing trade deficit

2. A growing US national debt

3. A falling dollar

4. Baby boomers without money

5. Higher oil prices

6. Entitlement mentality

7. Tax breaks for the rich

I personally would have agreed to all the points stated, as I feel the entitlement mentality is getting more and more common nowadays since millions of people lack financial resources, they now expect gov to solve their financial problems or to take care of them.

They also write about the emergence of China and India today.Many think it will takes years for China and India to approach America position as the largest economics power.

Recently, Robert meet his friends from Europe and when I read about that, it really amusing me.

China has indeed a huge amount of coverage over there.

1. The first Starbucks opened in China back in the year 2005. There are now more Starbucks in China than in US.

2. In the 1970s,Shanghai had exactly one skyscraper but it now has close to 800.

Those 2 facts are quite staggering. China is a great force. Its population is such that one in every five people in the entire planet is Chinese . China has the vibrant economy and workforce that has adapted very well to the new technology.To me, the Chinese are industrious and disciplined.

While, we are moving to talk about india,here are the facts to get us going:

1. India is one of the world largest and oldest continuous civilization.

2. In the last 10000 years, india has never invaded any country.One of a few countries in the world that gained independence without violence.

3. India is the world largest democracy.

4. Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages.

5. Chess was inventd in India

6. India invented the number system.(I still remember I learnt it in my History Science Philosophy Subject about the number system starting rom Brahmi, Gupta, advances to Modern Arabic numeral.)

7. India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.( wow!!i couldn’t believe that, at first I thought it was US or European countries that count)

So can you really spot oppurtunities that may arise from these economics changes?

In the next more decades, I believe India and China would be two emerging great forces in becoming the world economics major player.

Well, there are indeed a lots more insightful readings to share it here. But so far I have not yet completing reading the whole book. Oh no, I have borrowed it from library for the nearly 2 weeks times, got to return it as it might be overdue. However I will trying to finish it up, and meanwhile, learn something beneficial from the 2 most famous figures pieces of writing.

Last but not least, This is what differentiates between the rich and the poor:

What is essential sometimes be invisible to the eyes. That is where the discernment comes in.

I will share it more here if I have the time of logging into my blog the next time I am free from any activities , projects and assignements.=)

The 2010 New Year!

Oh no, i told myself I have to keep on updating my blog, haha. Well here I am, trying to reminisce the things that I have done during the weeks celebration of new year.

Well, to sum up the things that I have done during the new year season, from the 1st Jan of 2010 till now, well, at least I have done something meaningfully for the whole weeks concerned.=)

Great isn’t it? Haha..How do I celebrate my new year time? Count down at Sungei Wang? At KLCC to experience the magnificent views of the explosion of firecrackers to welcome the new year?or went to The Curve to celebrate it? Well, unfortunately ,all those things are not included on my list. For those of my friends who have either gone to the places mentioned, well, I really envy you guys who could gather with your buddies, some even with their girlfriends/boyfriends (or shall I say with their lovers?)to celebrate the brand new year of 2010.

the new year cout down view from KLCC.While i am not totally against the idea of releasing a huge amount of firecrackers--red phosphrous, i feel this is a once a year magnicent celebration to welcome the brand new year ahead.=D..Unfortunately,I am not there to celebrate and experience..~Picture from yahoo image

The picture below show the new year celebration at Sungai Wang Plaza. 'Awesome' isn't it? HUH! really crowded.i don't really fancy this kind of scenario!.

This is the Television(panasonic brand ) bought by my aunty. it costs RM1299.quite cheap la.lolz.

While I am totally not in the shoes as you guys, I went back to Melaka to spend my days there. Or rather should I say to spend time with my grandparents. Hehe…Moreover, I went back a day earlier, which is Wednesday(30th Dec), to have myself more time to spend with them. Haha, besides spending time with them, I have another purposes of having going back there. I have some necessities to buy, and wanna have a new hair cut too, but eventually didn’t make it=(

Too much temptation( AStro) make me not really have the desires for going to pay a visit to ‘Miss barber’ at ALor Gajah. But I did go Tampin with my aunty, Sok Ping, haha. Guess what she bought a new TV, a brand new Panasonic TV( 32 cun), shaped like an LCD screen.Awesome, hope my granny could enjoy it thoroughly with her favourite Astro channel-HHD.=)

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