Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Of Peace and War

Recently, I came across an article written by Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf on the Star Paper ‘ The Common Enemy’ which I found it to be very well written and fantastic!

In his article, he addressed the issue of the anti-Islamic film which has been aired worldwide and provoke the Muslims from various Islamic countries as well as the death of US ambassador to Libya Christiopher Stevens in Benghazi.

He claimed that the death of US ambassador has nothing to do in the name of Islam. Having spend a lifetime  studying Quran and Islamic Law, religion prohibits taking innocent life.The Quran equates the killing of innocent with killing all of humankind.

Can peace be achieved if this situation continue to prevail?

In fact, he said that no American officials would have anything to do with something so ile and degrading to a religion. News report has identified that Nakoula Basseley, a Coptic Christian living in Southern California as the driving force behind the film.

Extremists of all religions excite the worst, most extreme reactions from others. It takes only one extremist action to set off a chain reaction to go around the world.

The real conflict is not Christian vs Muslim or Muslim vs Jews. It is a struggle between extremist and moderates of all religion.That is why the moderates among us in all faiths must work together to combat extremists.He also urged Muslim to recognise that the  best way to oppose hate speech is to ignore it. Reaction is precisely what a hater wish to provoke.

We must embrace the Global Movement of Moderats mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib that seeks a just peace not through violence but by promoting justice, excellence and equilibrium.
We can show the falsity of their messages simply by turning our backs.

War is definitely NOT the solution!

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