Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello Hanoi!

The area which I stayed is Tay Mo, Hanoi. it is pretty outskirt area, about more than 15 km to city center of Hanoi.

I know they have their own unspoken rules and able to stop and brakes immediately before hitting each other bikes, their braking system are strong and most of the bikes are Honda. But, the way they ride are totally out of the mind for a person who never been to Vietnam, it is really a shock!

I highly doubt whether I can able to fit in their 'unspoken rule' while riding at road, and beat the busy traffic conditions with them plus being nearly blurred and suffocated by the dusty air on the road, what more I am a first timer to ride a bike after been 4 year left over and not familiar with the route there.

It makes me when the OC insisted on me to learn to ride a bike to school which is quite far away, they speak as if Malaysians are also having the same traffic like in Hanoi! But I really salute their great motor biking skills.

I hope I can survive throughout my 1 month stay.

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