Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why we should be taking probiotics?

The moment when i heard of FINAL YEAR PROJECT, my head start to spin and the nightmare of no sleep and busy labwork will drive me to maximum madness. >
Finally, i get to know my supervisors - Miss Fatemah from Iran. From our meeting last week, i was brought to the lab- Makmal Serbaguna, which is located just next to our SBK. Pretty lucky as i don't have to walk so far unlike some of my coursmates who have to go till Institute Postgraduate Studies( IPS) for doing their final year project. Miss Fatemah is a current Phd candidate under the supervison of Assoc Prof ASB which is also my supervised lecturer for my final year project. I am given a project entitle ' increasing functional propertie of probiotics ice cream by addition of saffron.
Well, since i have started doing my final year thesis now,i am required to submit a proposal. A lots of work like journal reading and searching have to be done.

Here is the video which i would like to share to make all of us understand the reasons we should take probiotics.

Among the point which i have taken down:

1) All farmers give their animals good bacteria Probiotics after a course of antibiotics because antibiotics given to cow will destroy the good bacteria which will make them cannot digest grass---> starve and die.
2) Why we have appendix--A reservoir of good bacteria, protected from diarrhoe and antibiotics because if w we take antibiotics , basically will kill all good and bad bacteria.
Antibiotics are in:
Pills--for any infection
Our food ( chicken, fish, meat, eggs, milk)
Chemicals, sprays (anything that kill bacteria)
3) bad bacteria create Dis Ease. If  Ecoli, salmonella, clostridia which is present in most people's bowel grow unrestricted, it will cause diarrhoe, typhoid, gastrenteritis etc.
it will cause mould ,putrefaction and toxin release, food is not absorbed( malnutrition, weight loss etc),parasite trive, attack the gut lining ( most dangerous--leaky gut)
4) Protein entering the gut are broken down into small proteins and amino acids, as they pass through the gut wall, the immune cell identifies them.
But if some proteins appears in the bloodstream, our immune system attacks it. If it goes wrong, this can cause immune diseases like asthma, lupus, diabetes, Crohn's disease, eczema. Leaky guts allow larger proteins to get through. If that protein is similar to one of our body tissues, our immune system attacks that tissue, of which if attacks on lung ( cause asthma).
5) Thus, bad bacteria cause major problems, so we have to replace it with ' good bacteria' , which can cleanse the bowel. Good bacteria are called pro-biotics ---'for life'.
6) Probiotics- healthy bacteria similiar to those found in breastfed infants. Most come from 2 bacterial species Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. They are found in some foods: yoghurtm fermented and unfermented , miso, tempeh, and some juices and soy beverages . also found in diatery supplements in capsules, tablets and powder form.
7) we should also take Prebiotics which is non digestible food that the probiotics feed on, usually soluble fibre to feed the probiotics bacteria.
8) Are all probiotics the same? well, different starins of bacteria are more effective , they must be able to get into the bowel.
- Acid, bile and pancreatic juice tolerant.
-Gel matrix coating the bacteria
-Enteric coated capsule which dissolves in small gut.

A good probiotic could make a huge difference to our health:
So, take a short course regularly, when :
-you go overseas
-with a course of antibiotic
-with any bowel disturbances
-allergies and immune diseases
- thrush and other infections

Hope my final year project regarding probiotics would be a success with my ready hardwork!! =)

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