Thursday, April 23, 2009

~'everyday is the Birthday right at KMK'~ ^^

Well, why i say so ? haha..because, numerous birthdays party to all of us may sound a bit dull. but for me ,it is still alright, i still enjoy it!:)
To celebrate somebody birthday appears to be the most daunting task to you? No NO,it is very exciting and fun though it may burn you some pocket money, so far right at KMK, i have attended 4 birthday parties held by some friends like Chun hean,Kai Ping, wei Zhong, Fu yong..well, it may sound like what a crazy big party , even me myself have not celebrate my birthday which falls on 2nd feb .Haha..i am quite humble, for me, it doesn't matter as long as you realise that you are older by 1 year old, and cross your fingers to pray that your wishes may come true. That is all! Perhaps celebrating birthday is regarded as a remembrance of your date of birth. it will be much more appropriate and filial if we could give thanks to our mum on the day of our birthday. Don't you guys agree with that? It would be more meaningful and bring up a kind of appreciation towards your mum's period of gestation and labouring while she suffers ceaselessly in order to give birth of a young life, that is you, me and ours!
Thus birthday is all about the joyous and appreciations towards you mum , or perhaps your dad too. they are the one that care for us, nurture us and guide us all the way long. From the day you are in cradle till the day when you have grown up and be independent& able to survive yourself they are the one that always be on our side . See, how great our parents love is meant to us.

Back to the topic, birthday celebrations are getting common and common in KMK, ranging from a bunch of birthday wishes notes to a big freaking exciting party, after all, it is the fun and sweetest moments that we get to experience that matter to us the most! :)

In the dark surrounding, there is a light of 'hope'..LOL..Po Jun and Vyian .Some say it can be a nice picture to be advertised into the front page of our school magazines:)

Nice snap!

Happy Birthday to everyone!! wow..what is that as you may ask. it is just a mere prank of birthday..(In reality, it is Fuyong Birthday)..! Ha!

Another nice snap!

Warmest regards! YEAH!

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