Thursday, April 23, 2009

Multilingual presentation! Awesome

I came across this youtube about a man who is so versatile.he is able to converse in different languages ranging from:Mandarn,malay.indonesian language, Spanish, darnish,French, japanese etc...

i like the way he converse in really sounds like a native speaker. Oh How well he speaks ! Hmm..even i myself haven't on the effort of mastering the original and genuine accent of mandarin,just like what China people speak mandarin!

Well,his efforts of mastering various languages around the globe is very laudable and commendable. Salute his efforts as a great linguistics expert! Being able to converse in different languages definetely land us a good future and of course a lucrative salary. people would searching for you in order to fill their vacancy just because of your versatile talents. Communicating is the tool of conveying what you want to say, the thoughts as well as your final intention .

Thus though i as a chinese living in malaysia, able to converse the three main languages: Mandarin, malay and english, i always want to upgrade and make myself to learn more the other languages of the world like Japanese and french. Japanese and Chinese are pretty important as well. The Japanese place a great emphasis on their language, and they are proud of it. If you can use their native language with them, it will be easier to deal with them. And Japan is the country which maintain their glory of economic boom using their mother tongue in discovering and advancing their technological fields!

The UN has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.The Secretariat uses two working languages, English and French.

English is an official language in 52 of UN's member states, French in 29, Arabic in 24, Spanish in 20, Russian in 4, and Chinese in 2.

In my opinion,English itself is known as Germanic language. English evolved from the Saxons who are Germanic peoples. etc etc etc. Most important foreign language right now is Mandarin. However I recommend Spanish as well. If your English is good, take up Spanish because the grammar is similar and also you can find word commonalities now and then. There is one caveat on this though. If your English is not at a first language level then I suggest you master that first.
Spanish is somewhat similar to English in the usage of certain phrases . I learn Japanese by watching animes and dramas when i am free.LOL :)

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