Thursday, April 23, 2009

The time when we are right here at KMK!

Let's get SNAP!LOL..taken during Kai Ping 19th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to kai Ping..

Wei Zhong, Zhe Yi, Chia Ching and me...

Love Cake'Selamat hari Jadi'LOL

Desmond, wei kuang, shen yuan, loqman and me..LOL

All of us really work hard to strike a good result, Though many of my friends have come back to their respective hometown, but still we keep in touch via MSN, SMS etc..The modern bridge that makes connectivity possible.:)

Desmond Poh, a game addict like you have always shown to us that playing Dota, CS have never been a obstacles in achieving your good result. Frankly, desmond is the guy who always matter his games more than his result , but eventually or should i say miraculously, he score a decent result though u won't believe that he is the games-savvy and having his laptop on for a whole day. This is what the thing that i salute him.

Anyway, between study and play, we have to strike a balance between that, no work and play makes Jack a dull boy, that is what i firmly believe that playing do play a part in our life in lifting up our spirit and get us more energised and be more motivated. that is why i usually fork up my time to cycling at 5pm around my college compound. but..still..loads of assignments and rushing syllabus makes me feel stress and couldn't make it possible to take some time for recreations. :(

Studying at matriculation college is indeed the stressful time ever, Don't get me wrong by saying that it is far more easy than STPM or whatever Pre u, Ok?! You ca always prove that i am right by going through the syllabus concerned. though the exam questions look easy, but it is some sort of tricky. You never realise it until you have finished answering.Just pray hard that i could get a decent result for PSPM2 which would be known next month. Seriously, i am so careless in that final exam. Hopefully, i can still get the satisfying result..:)

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