Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Foreign workers?! waste or worth?

This is a very serious topic for all of us to be considered. thus far, there have been so many foreigners influx into our country. The reasons behind this is to get lucrative jobs in Malaysia.The debate about foreign workers have going on and on for decades and people just could not come up with a simple conclusion. Its kind of difficult to tolerate when the number of entering foreign workers are in the rise and also especially when the statistics of crimes among foreign workers are also exponentially increasing. Kind of agree with some you guys who said that we have to treat them the best we could. But remember, Malaysia never wants to be unjust to its own citizen. When there are still a huge amount of Malaysians who need help in many sorts of way, attending to this foreign workers and starting to give priority to them would definitely end up in a chaotic and unpleasant situation.

Well, this struck me to think that foreigners being in Malaysia can create a lots of criminal problems. Just yesterday, not so far from my house, there happen a murder case where an Indonesian maids were killed brutally. This surprise so many of our residents as this is the 1st case happening in our neighbourhood. Police came around and doing the investigation last night.
well, this has been a case of the norm happening around Malaysia whereby you would happen to look at the news of in Indonesian maids being killed, raped and exploited for by people especially the deceptive agent.
This brought another issues which are quite rampant nowadays-Human Trafficking!
Most of us take these freedoms for granted, but hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world have had these basic human rights taken away. They are victims of trafficking – modern-day slaves -- and criminals have forced, defrauded, or coerced them into various forms of labor.

The UN's International Labor Organization estimates that worldwide about 2.5 million people are victims of trafficking !

Over half of these people are in Asia and the Pacific .

Criminals earn an estimated US$10 billion every year through buying and selling human beings.

human trafficking has been a worrying issue these days in almost any part of the world. Women, especially young teenagers easily become victims of these heartless predators. It is a horrible and inhumane act to treat another human as an item that can be easily traded or sold for money.

It won't be easy to track down these creatures (the predators? They don't deserve to be called humans) as they have various ways to disguise themselves as ordinary folks and have various types of tricks to lure their victims. The method of prevention must come from ourselves. Most importantly, every one of us should be more wary of our surroundings and learn not to trust any strangers so easily. Although that may make you seem unsociable and unfriendly, it is always better to be safe than be sorry.

There is actually a movie that all of you should watch: "Taken". It has some disturbing parts about how they conduct women trafficking but it is a good movie to spread awareness about security measures a women should take while travelling alone overseas.

Moving on issues of foreigners,Well I guess the main question is whether or not Malaysia is having a lot job opportunities that foreigners such as Bangladeshi and Indonesians find it easy to find jobs in Malaysia compared to their home country. Coming back to the point where Malaysia is considered by many major companies as possible sites for business process outsourcing (BPO), this will definitely increase the fact that many foreign companies will start setting up their plans in Malaysia, such as Intel.

Not only because of the BPO, but also another major determinant is because of the cheap labor that Malaysia offers. Sadly, many Malaysians do not consider working is places such as sanitaries a good starting point....well who does anyway!!! But we can't run away from the fact that there are still people in Malaysia who under educated and in need of job to support themselves and their families. But...they still resist in working in such condition. So that's why there's gonna be a lot of opportunity going to waste or should I say going to these foreigners. I'm not hinting that its a bad idea that we let all this opportunities go to them but if we are prepared to do so...well we better be prepared in accepting them in our society.

i think that Malaysia should start limiting the amount of unprofessional foreign workers. We are certainly not yet the boiling pot of Asia, and if we are gonna be one we definitely have to be ready to accommodate all these people coming in.

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