Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Love Teaching!

I come across these rather inspiring pieces of shares from dreamer101:

I like to teach and I know that I can teach. I have the ability to UNDERSTAND complicated subject and explain it in a simple term. I can teach people beyond the subject. I have the ability to teach people to THINK.

I started tutor my classmate on math when I was in standard 2. And, I never stop teaching when I was in high school, college and so on. I am still teaching people in my works.

So, I do not dream to be a teacher. I love teaching and I just do it.

My POINT is this. Normally, if a person likes to educate someone, they will have plenty of formal and informal opportunity to do this by YOUR AGE. Now, if the person DO NOT actively seek out and perform at the opportunity, the LIKELIHOOD that the person like teaching is VERY LOW.

So, what is that you like on being a teacher?? Is it teaching?? If yes, what is STOPPING you to teach now??

If not,

A) How do you KNOW that you actually like to work as a teacher??

B) How do you KNOW that you KNOW how to teach??

I LOVE teaching. LOVE = doing something for FREE because you just LOVE it.

So, how you KNOW that you ACTUALLY like to be a teacher??

I love the quotes when he says love is doing something for free, and yes i do love teaching.
I don't mind about the pay or any remunerations that i would get from teaching. As long as i get the chance to educate a people , to mould them into a better thinking person, to inspire them in their lives, to let them aware the imporatance of education, that are my ultimates love for teaching.

Kudos to those who have the passion, interest and determinations in taking up lecturing tasks.
it is definetely a noble profession to mould a better thinking future generation.=)

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