Saturday, May 30, 2009

USM-Out of my reach!

The result of admission into USM had been known since yesterday..i wasn't selected as one of the lucky 3000 undergraduates students to study at USM..sigh!

This bad news had been revealed to me of how hard to go into USM..just because they have Munsyi Test, interview(for certain courses),and your result and Koku marks do count into one of the criteria.

The worst fear is the Munsyi test, if you happen to FAIL it....


do u know how you fail it??

RElax>>>>>it wasn't any big deal of failing it. What i mean is that the FAIL here implying you are not able to match your personality, your interest into the already fixed answers..

there is no real answers to the questions being asked at the is just a matter of 'ARE YOU SuIT TO Be DOCTOR?' that determine your result..either LULUS or GAGAL....again i should'nt use the word GAGAL to fear you guys...that is all about YOU ARE NOT SuITABLE TO BE A DOCTOR!! just and examples of it.

THAt is what apply to me...

but i believe the Munsyi test wasn't 100% accurate, i am not trying to console myself...but it is real..HAHA..

That is just the psychological test that may further drill into your personality , get to reveal lots of things about yourself, but eventually, that is not going to be 100% yourself.

Thus, the only thing that i can do is to pray hard so that i can have the chance in other IPTA-UM or UKM...LOL(hope that you won't disappointed me anymore..)

Speaking of my friends. most of them do get what they want, aiming for USM.
I hereby wish you guys all the best, and more importantly, don't regret and be the master of whatever you study..

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